For individuals

Airport Shuttle
A shuttle service that allows you to travel door-to-door between your home/hotel and the airport at a great value by sharing. We use our unique AI to optimize routes and match people traveling in the same direction to achieve economical travel

Airport Limo
A fixed-price private hire car/taxi that connects your home/hotel with airports nationwide. It can accommodate up to 9 people and is offered at a great price.

Golf Shuttle
Shuttle service that connects the golf course and your home/accommodation door-to-door. Maximum of 4 people, spacious interior, early morning service, night golf available.

For corporations and local governments
Development costs start from 500,000 yen, and other operating costs. Please contact us for details

Commute Shuttle
Door-to-door transportation service for commuters. This will significantly reduce travel costs for employees, especially airport staff who need to commute early in the morning or late at night.

Town Shuttle
A multipurpose shared transportation service that provides transportation within the area at reasonable rates. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as commuting to work, picking up and dropping off children, transporting family members on weekends, going to the hospital, and rainy days.

LINE dispatch system
The all-in-one package of LINE and the dispatch system enables efficient DX for operating companies.